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Anzeige über Arbeitsausfall Translated

You need to fill out this form but have trouble understanding what goes where? We can help.

The Anzeige über Arbeitsausfall is a form from the Bundesagentur für Arbeit that you need to fill in in case you need or plan to reduce your regular working hours for a certain amount of time. In order to facilitate filling this in for those who are not yet fully fluent in German, we decided to provide a rough translation of the form. Please note that this is not an official translation.

Notification of Reduced Working Hours

View official document here

Please fill in everything on the official form. It will not be printable otherwise!


Stamm-Nr. Kug (if known)

Ableitungs-Nr. (if known)



A. Address of the company

Name and address of the company Phone number, fax number, email address
Contact person Phone number, fax number, email address
If different, address of payroll accounting Phone number, fax number, email address
Contact person Phone number, fax number, email address
Type of business / economic sector or branch

B. Period of the planned reduction in working hours

  1. It is appropriate that the regular weekly working time of the undertaking should be reduced with effect from the month / year to the month / year for the
    ... whole company or
    ... for the operating division ... of the company.

C. Information on working hours

  1. In case of full-time work, the regular weekly working time customary in the business is ... hours.
  2. During the short-time working, working hours are to be reduced to at least ... hours per week.

D. Information on the company

  1. The company exists for more than one year ..., if not: since ...
  2. The following wage agreement applies in the company:
    (Please add a copy of the wage agreement - only parts relevant to short-time work)
    For Naming of the wage agreement Regular weekly working hours Does the wage agreement include a short-time working agreement?
    Workers ... hours
    Employees ... hours
    Does the wage agreement provide for an announcement period for the introduction of short-time work? Yes / No
    ... The company is not tariff-bound.
  3. Our company has a workeers union Yes / No
    How was short-time working introduced in compliance with labour law provisions?
    ... By works agreement with the works council (attach a copy)
    ... In companies without a works council by agreement with the employees *
    ... Through change notices *
    * Please have the notice ready in case of an inquiry.
  4. In the company or in the department affected by short-time work, ... employees are employed (including sick workers, workers on leave and marginally employed workers / and if applicable separately:
    number of temporary workers: ...)
    Agreed on date ... active until date ...
    ... Further remarks ...

Important notice:
The following groups of people have no claim to Kug (short-time work money) and are not to be included in the count of employees: employess currently taking part in a professional training programme (full-time) with benefit receipt, people working from home, trainees and employees whose employment relationship is suspended (ex. federal volunteer service).
Only employees with an uncancelled employment relationship can claim Kug. Kug cannot be claimed within the cancellation period. It makes no difference if the cancellation was induced by the employee, employer or in agreement of both parties.

  1. How many workers are affected by short-time?

E. Information on short-time work

  1. The loss of working hours is due to the following reasons (please answer the following questions):
    a) Cause for the loss of working hours; Comparable figures, that show the underutilisation
    b) Information on products/services; Main employer/client or employee
    c) Information on the temporary nature of the loss of working hourse
    Please explain in simple terms the reason for your loss of working hours.
  2. Are industry, company or seasonal causes also relevant for the loss of working hours? Yes / No

This section asks if you have made sure there is no further vacation days or plus hours available that can be used to avoid short-time work.
Everything reasonable has been tried to avoid short-time work.
This paragraph asks if, for e.g., you have filled out everything truthfully according to your knowledge and that the employer is liable for false or incomplete information.
Charges may be filed.
Please check the original for the complete and correct text.


Signature area
Left: a signature of the works council, if they have agreed. Otherwise, they ask for a separate statement.
Middle: stamp of the company
Right: (Place, Date) Signature of the employer or their proxy

Last Updated: 01.04.2020

All information is without guarantee of correctness and completeness and does not represent tax or legal advice.